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DNA testing for health, appearance and pedigree verification in horses

Learn about one of the tests we do: W27 dominant white

W27 is a version of the KIT gene that produces a partial to completely white coat pattern. W27 horses that aren't completely white often have stunning spotted patterns. W27 is thought to have originated in an Australian Thoroughbred mare called Milady Fair, born in 1960.

Milady Fair had one white filly, Glacial. Glacial produced a white colt, Khaleben, who went on to become a stallion and sire three more white offspring. The most prolific of those was Colourful Gambler. In addition to the Thoroughbred foals he sired, he introduced W27 to show jumpers and the Paint breed.

No horses have been identified yet carrying two copies of W27.

Gene or region and technical reference

Gene: KIT (causative). Reference: Hoban et al. (2018)

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