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DNA testing for health, appearance and pedigree verification in horses

Learn about one of the tests we do: W20 white markings

W20 is a version of the KIT gene that is thought to cause relatively subtle white markings such as a blaze and socks - and sometimes even less white. It has a white-increasing effect when it is inherited in combination with other white marking genes, particularly sabino 1 and the other W genes.

W20 has been found in a very wide range of horse breeds. The following are just some of the horse and pony breeds where some individuals have tested positive to W20: Thoroughbreds, Welsh Ponies, Quarter Horses, Appaloosas, Warmbloods, Gypsy horses, Clydesdales, Noriker, Miniature Horses... the list goes on.

If your horse has a blaze and one or more socks, or perhaps a few white belly spots that have not been explained by other white marking genes, test for W20 as well as sabino 1.

Gene or region and technical reference

Gene: KIT (causative). Reference: Hauswirth et al. (2013)

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